Toy - Script
An older woman is working in a toyshop, repairing broken toys. A little girl
comes to have her fix her stuffed bunnys ear, which was torn off in a fight with
her sister. When the woman tries to fix it, the girl becomes afraid and takes the
toy back. This cycle continues until the girl becomes exasperated and asks the
woman why she wont just fix the toy. The woman tells her she cant fix it unless
the girl lets go.
Theme: Surrender; Trust; Control; Struggles; Letting Go
Suggested Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5; John 14:1
Length: 4 Minutes
Cast: 2 females
Props: small table and chair; tools (including a large sewing needle and thread); assortment of toys; reading glasses for toy-fixer (optional); stuffed bunny with one ear torn off (The first ear will be held in the girls hand. The second ear should be held on with Velcro for ease of pulling it apart at the end of the skit.)